Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"i say madam, you say president! MADAM! PRESIDENT!"

So...my last "final" is tomorrow, but it's not really a final at all. Our professor decided not to give us a final, which is great. Much appreciated and stuff. But, because the university requires him to hold class at the time of the final, he decided everyone should bring food. Except the class is about the Vietnam War. So we were supposed to bring Vietnamese food. ...Riiiight. Hi, I'm Cara, and I don't cook. Ever. I can barely make a frozen pizza. Millie offered to make something if I found a recipe, so I looked up cookies figuring that would be easy peasy. Cookies are easy peasy. Well, none of the Vietnamese cookies sounded tasty, so we wound up making oatmeal scotchies. At least I'm bringing something. And who doesn't like a cookie? Exactly.

As of this moment there is one county holding up the results of our IN primary. I wonder if that county is just being snooty on purpose. Hillary came here last night for the second time, and because I wasn't working this time I got to go. I'd never been to a rally before and it was definitely entertaining--I thought it would seem like forever getting there early, standing in line and waiting for her to talk, but it actually kind of flew by because people-watching was just so damn amusing. The crowd wasn't huge, but most people were really enthusiastic. It was a neat thing to be part of. And, of course, seeing Hillary in person was awesome. She was waaaay shorter than I thought she was. Which makes me happy, because I'm also short and I enjoy finding other short folks. Especially short powerful folks. Like Hillary. And Bette Davis. And Judy Garland. And Gloria Swanson. And other people. ANYWAY. After Hillary finished talking and was making her way around the floor shaking hands and stuff, I was plotting the best way to get down there to try to meet her and Millie taps me and says, "Um, look at this guy." There is this middle-aged guy standing off to the side of the crowd on the floor, JAMMIN' OUT to "9 to 5." Like, hardcore rocking out to Dolly. It was incredible. Millie recorded it via cell phone. I eventually tried to make my way through the crowd to get to Hillary--and I got right up in front (yay being short and wee), but she was always like just far enough ahead of me to where I couldn't get her attention. All I wanted was a picture :o( But I took some pictures to prove how close I was. Will post them laters.


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